Dying skybound cedar late July

Hello, I am in Zone 3a, I planted a Skybound cedar in late May. And it is now end of July and the tree has several browning/yellowing branches. I am afraid to fertilize it at this time, as everything online…

My heart leaved asters will not bloom

Hello, My garden is located in north east Toronto near Markham. It has clay soil and seems compacted. I planted two heart leaved asters side by side three years ago. They have let out stalks to bloom every year, but…


Trying to identify and eradicate what is/are killing my seedlings. I had the same problem last year and it quickly spread to my houseplants. Everything was thrown out and started fresh this year, but having the same problem. Please help.…

Dahlia with leaf issues and stunted growth

Hi there, Specs: – full sun balcony and container garden – large planter with three dahlia tubers that should grow around 2 ft tall – watering every other day with drip irrigation Issue: One of the three Dahlias has stunted…

Japanese Maple

We have a 30 year old Japanese Maple which is 30ft high. For the last few years we have had bad spider mites which we have treated with Diatomaceous Earth (puffed over the lower branches and placed on the crooks…

What is wrong with my beans?

All leaves turn yellow, then flowers and leafs drop. Is this caused by virus or bacteria? How should I treat the disease? Thank you.…

Annual devastation by spider mites

Hello, master gardener. Spider mites are my nemesis. I engage in a, mostly losing, battle with them every year over the the plants I try to grow in planters on my east-by-south-east-facing Riverdale balcony. They devastate my aristolochia and impatiens,…

Japanese Maple , Petunias

Hello, I was looking for some assistance. I have a Japanese Maple that was thriving a few weeks ago and now some of the leaves on a few branches look burnt and shriveled up. I am not sure if this…

Small white paper-like webbings on cedars

Dear Master Gardeners, I have a wild cedar that seems to be infested with something that is making small (about 5mm) paper-like webby things on the leaves, and slightly bigger webs in cracks in the bark. One branch that has…


We are wintering our Abutilon. We have done it before successfully but this year something is different. In the attached photo you will see how the green bark has been stripped away and we do not understand if it is…