Bald Cypress

Hello, I was wondering if a bald cypress could be grown as a tropical and if seeds don’t need stratification, I thought so because they grow in the Florida Everglades but I just wanted to make sure…

Grass seed with 17 nitrogen and bulbs

Over the years I have planted daffodil and crocus bulbs in my lawn for quite a spring display. Just recently my husband put grass seed on the lawn and it contained nutrients that turned out to be nitrogen 17. It…

Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus

I accidentally killed my burning bushes by putting miracle grow stakes in the ground last fall. Can I plant replacements this Spring? Will the soil be safe to plant them in?…

Grapefruit tree in suspended animation

I am not a current resident of Toronto but was born and raised there.I hope I can still ask for your help. I have a grapefruit tree as a houseplant that grew from seed 40 years ago. It puts out…

front door plants

Looking for some long blooming, fragrant, heat tolerant and 4 to 6 feet height plants for my front door entrance sides (west facing). Please advise.…

When to start spring planting

In an oddly warm year such as this 2024- should I start planting in MARCH the seeds that call for “as soon as ground can be worked”.  Because the ground definitely feels like spring – even though it seems much…