Black Cedar

I understand that black cedars are cultivated from white cedars. If this the case, can black cedars be found in the wild? If so, how would you tell the difference between white and black? Thank you!…

Miracle plant search – plant for a privacy hedge

Hi Everytime I think I have found “The Plant” for my privacy hedge I read about a problem with it ie bug, rust etc. I want to get privacy from my neighbours house and windows. Their house is within less…

Winter protection for plants in Balcony containers

I’m inquiring about a Ninebark, Moffat Blue Juniper, Hydrangeas and European Beech.  These plants are all on 8th floor of terrace with south west facing lake Ontario.  It gets very windy so should I also mulch the pots for insulation?…

Raising soil level and how tree roots react

Hi. The Japanese Upright Yews and Pyramidal Cedars I planted years ago are now an 18’ tall ‘forest’ that reaches more than 15’ out from the fence. This created a ‘forest floor’ where no plants grow even with mottled light…

Hicks Yew Light Green

Hi, I have a lot of hicks yews. They’re in their third year now (of being planted in our yard) and haven’t gotten any more water than usual this summer, but a few here and there have been going light…

Bonsai seed propagation

Hello I’m interested in growing Japanese bonsai and I want to grow them from seed into seedling how do I do this and what kind of compost is good for this…

Weeping gold cedar turning brown

Hello! This cedar has been with us for almost a decade. This fall the older leaves started turning brown. Is this common because of the odd weather.…

Brown branches on 16 years old pine tree

Hi there, I would like to ask the problem of my 16 years old pine tree. I watered it regularly (10 minutes in 2-3 days) during summer. Recently, I discovered there some brown branches near the trunk in the middle…

3 dead boxwoods

House in Toronto boxwoods in very narrow space at edge of porch used to camouflage fencing to keep critters out from under porch, faces west, gets afternoon sun. WHAT CAN I PLANT TO REPLACE DEAD BOXWOODS, that will fill the…

Box Tree Moth

I followed an OMAFRA slide presentation and I’m certain I have Cydalima perspectalis infesting my boxwood hedge. Is it too late to spray BTK? I can’t see any caterpillars but there are a few hibernariums? I’m not a resident of…