White Pine


I have an apparant healthy white pine. 18 months ago 2 branches came down in winter storm, since then its had quite a bit of sap as expected comming from its wounds but also from more peripheral branches upto 8ft out. It drips onto my neighbours patio. Though it looks like bird droppings it is sticky, difficult to remove and smells of pine. I had the tree inspected by certified arbourist who mentioned that sometime white pines drip saps during buds breaking like Spring and Summer time and commented that “I just never saw dripping at this level, which might because the tree is really healthy and productive on growth” They suggested asking Master Gardener if anyone had seen this before. I can send more pictures if helpful
Thank you.


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners about “sticky “ white pine discharge .

As you probably know, white pines produce sap to seal wounds (and summer heat helps it to flow more fluidly, so it may slow down), usually starting with pruned branches or dead branches that fall off.  You lost two branches 18 months ago. It looks from your photo that at least some of the oozing comes from wounds created by that winter damage .

You have already consulted a registered arborist, who has been on site and physically inspected the tree. Your photo shows a healthy tree and this was confirmed by your arborist. It is great to be so invested in your tree’s health so, though we see no worries from your photo, please continue to monitor this and do feel free to get back to us if you notice other symptoms. We’re also providing you with this link to a previous reply from Toronto Master Gardeners,   White Pine disease or Pest  for further reading.

Thank you for contacting us.