When to stop harvesting asparagus


How can I know when to stop harvesting asparagus?


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners:

Great question, and I can give all sorts of info on asparagus as it’s one of my favourite vegetables. Harvesting should end June 30. After that date, leave the asparagus to grow ferns.  Asparagus has female and male plants making them dioecious  (having male and female organs on separate plants). You can tell the female asparagus as it produces red inedible berries. Do not cut back the asparagus ferns until the next year or spring if they have not disappeared. The fern will feed the crown up until the fern dies.

The University of Minnesota has invaluable information on growing Asparagus: Growing Asparagus.    It’s easy to access information as you do not have to scroll all over to find information  you need.

Iowa State University also has information on asparagus, organized differently than Minnesota University: Asparagus Growing Information

Hope this helps.

June 5, 2024