When to plant roses


Hello, I would like to plant the following roses in my garden; what is the best time to plant them, in the fall (what month?) or spring (what month)? Thank you very much!. Canada Blooms(hybrid tea) Darcy Bussell (Austin Rose) Peach Drift (Dwarf Shrub Rose) State of Grace (Grandiflora) I live 15 minutes south of Toronto Botantical Garden


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners:

Our Toronto Master Gardeners Website has great information on the best time to plant roses. Roses prefer cooler weather for transplanting, that would be early spring and  late summer. As per our website you can plant in the summer as well as long as you make sure that the location is well watered before and after your planting.  In summer, you will be planting in a sunny location, as roses need an average of six hours of sunlight a day to bloom and prosper; this will require regular watering that will keep the roots moist. Transplanting Roses.

When you are ready to plant your roses, Iowa State University will guide you on the size and depth to plant roses. The different process for bare root versus potted roses: How to Plant and Transplant Roses

Once you have planted your roses our website has a guide on pruning roses that you can refer to: Toronto Master Gardeners Guide Pruning Roses

June 3, 2024