Unidentified insects – Aphids


Hello: Can you please identify the attached insects that are feeding on several of my plants? Thank you. How do I get rid of them?


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners,

The insects on your plant look like aphids.

Aphids: is a large family of sap sucking insects: the plant sap is their diet. They have soft bodies and complicated life cycles that includes parthenogenesis, or reproduction by a female without a male or egg fertilization.   They are fast reproducing and can become a pest by stunting plant growth, transmitting plant diseases and viruses from plant to plant. The aphids’ soft bodies makes it easy to remove them with a hard spray or stream of water. There are many insects that eat aphids, such as Ladybugs, Ground beetles, Hoverflies, Lacewings, Parasitic wasps, Soldier beetles, Aphid midges, and Damsel bugs. Encouraging beneficial insects in your garden will keep the aphids in check. Birds eat aphids so encouraging birds in your garden will also assist in keeping them in check.  You can also wear a pair of gloves and squish the aphids as you see them.

North Carolina University explains aphids on their website: Aphids on Ornamental Landscape Plants 

North Carolina University list different types of Aphid: North Carolina Aphids

June 8, 2024