Twombly japanese maple hedge


Do you see anything wrong with planting 5 columnar twombley japanese maples in a row to form a privacy
Please send answer to my email as well .


Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners.

Your idea of using 5 columnar twombly japanese maples (Acer palmatum ‘Twombly’s Red Sentinel’) as a privacy hedge is an interesting one. Based on the information on the tree characteristics, its characteristics are as follows:

  • Upright, dense and spreading with age;
  • They tend to be leggy as they get older with a clearance of 2 feet underneath them.
  • Leaves emerge red, change to burgundy, then transform into red-green in the summer;
  • They are somewhat columner in form compared to other japanese maples with a spread of almost 6 feet or 175 com each;
  • They grow to a height of 10 feet or 300cm each;
  • The spacing between trees is suggested to be 8 feet;
  • In their native habitat, they are an understorey tree that likes dappled sun or  partial shade and do not like to be in a hot, dry locations, especially against a white south facing wall.

Depending on where you locate the trees and other factors such as how much privacy you want, how wide the area is for the trees to expand into and the light and soil conditions, these trees may not meet your final privacy requirements. It is recommended that you measure that space carefully prior to your purchase of the trees to ensure that you have the space for the tree as they mature. Also the leggy nature of the trees as they mature may not give you the privacy you want. These drawbacks may not be deciding factor however so the idea of bright 10 foot high red hedge is very compelling.

The Toronto Master Gardeners has a Gardening Guide specifically about Japanese Maples that is very useful if you do proceed. – Japanese Maples 

We also have a Gardening Guide that provide excellent advice on planting trees – well worth the read. Planting a tree for life

Good luck.

June 11, 2024