

Some leaves on our 18 yr old serviceberry have changed colour in one area and dropped off the tree….not a lot but more are turning in a couple other places…looking at neighbours 50 ft away the same thing seems to be happening. The leaves are too high for me to reach to inspect….please comment, Thx.


Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners regarding a concern about your Serviceberry.

Without seeing the fallen leaves, it is not easy to determine the definite cause of this problem.

Since your Serviceberry looks healthy overall, it is possible that occasional leaf discoloration and dropping are the signs of stress due to the extreme weather conditions we have been experiencing in GTA this spring and summer including the rainiest April on record in Toronto.

Service berries are adaptable to all but waterlogged sites. With the record amounts of rainfall in Toronto this spring and summer, your tree could be showing the stress of too much water in the soil. If this is the case, this source is offering some good suggestions of how you can help your tree.

There are also several pests and/or diseases that could be affecting your tree.

You can read more about the possible causes in this article.

I hope you find this information helpful! Best of luck with your Serviceberry!






Serviceberry rust