Rose rosette disease


This is a 2 year’s old pink knock out rose. Growing in part sun (4 hours) raised bed in zone 5. There are 2 canes out of 5 that are bright red with some narrow, curled down leaves. photo attached. Can you please help me identify the problem. Does the rose have rose rosette disease? Do I need to destroy the plant?


Thanks you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners with your question about your rose.

Unfortunately, the symptoms your rose is exhibiting do look like Rose rosette disease. As you may be aware, this virus (Emaravirus sp) is spread by an eriophyid mite. The disease can be fatal and unless the affected parts of the plant are individual stems which can be removed at an early stage, it is likely to spread throughout the plant and be fatal. At this point the plant should be destroyed to prevent further spread.

Please refer to this previous TMG answer regarding Rose rosette.  Note that this answer also refers to an article on the Missouri Botanical Garden website which gives a thorough description of Rose rosette disease and strategies for dealing with it.

Hopefully you will be able to take some of the recommended actions and save your rose!

May 27, 2024