Rose grafting in Toronto/GTA


Hello Toronto Master Gardeners:

I was wondering if you could point me towards someone who does rose grafting?
Briefly, I have an old climbing rose plant here in Toronto that has great sentimental value. It is from my grandfathers time, and the plant has to be at least 40 years old, maybe even closer to 50.
I would very much like to propagate this rose in case it eventually dies.
If you may know anyone with such expertise that you could put me in touch with it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you



How wonderful that you have a specimen with such sentimental value!

It sounds like you have been tending your rose for quite some time, however Pruning Roses: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide offers helpful advice on tending your plant.

We don’t recommend gardeners to the public but Landscape Ontario does have a listing of professional companies. The Canadian Rose Society may also be able to provide you with some advice.

All the best in your search.