Rose Bushes


My mother is asking for a non clumping rose bush….what the heck is that??


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners:

There are many rose varieties, none are listed as clumping.

Classification of Roses from the American Rose Society: American Rose Society Classification of Roses

Gardeners Path provides a guide to rose classification:

Rose Classification Gardeners Path 

Canadian Rose Society does not list clumping roses. In plants clumping or cespitose would be used to describe grasses, sedges or any plant that grows from the center out maintaining a mound shape similar to a Hosta.  Cambridge Dictionary Definition of clumping Clumping definitions

Once you have purchased your rose the RBG (Royal Botanical Gardens) has information on how to plant and care for roses: Rose Care Royal Botanical Gardens.

Any rose you choose will be a beautiful addition to the garden!