Privacy plant


Hi I need privacy. I want to block my neighbors rectangular window . Dimensions= 5 ft tall and 10 ft wide, The top of the window measures 10 ft off of the ground. It is a sunny location. I am thinking of a fast growing bush with no fruit and very dense foliage. Perhaps a Japanese maple? Native bush?


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners about suitable planting for privacy . Our suggestions assume you are in the Toronto area which planting conditions we know best .
You mention Japanese maples which are gorgeous, but their modest size , generally slow growth and the fact that they lose their leaves in winter , disqualify them for your goal of a fast-growing plant offering year round privacy .Coniferous shrubs or trees provide this . You can choose from a wide variety of height , width , form colour , texture , interesting seeds but some suggestions include Eastern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) which has a dense growth habit , loves sun but needs water . It is a medium fast grower maturing around 15 metres , is a native shrub that can be pruned any time of year with the added benefit that birds love it . The related Emerald Cedar is popular for attractive hedging over time but does not lend itself to pruning as well as white cedar . Green or Copper Beech (Fagus sylvatica and Fagus sylvatica “purpurea” )are not coniferous, but their leaves stay in place all winter when new growth pushes them off …and they grow very tall and dense.
Here is a link to one of our Gardening Guides on the subject:
Mid to late spring is the best time to plant coniferous shrubs /trees but cooler days of autumn are second best ..that said , I planted an Emerald Cedar this time last year , kept it well watered and it has thrived .
Is it fair to assume that your goal of blocking your neighbour’s window is that you want to block the view from your property of the neighbour’s window and vice versa? An appropriate space requirement would include at least a three-foot distance from the property line( to allow for root development and foliage overhang) , hard surfaces like decks or paving , foundations , and further from an existing tree . Just a reminder to consider underground utilities when choosing your location .
Hope some of this helps you get the privacy you want .

July 2, 2024