Peony shooting from root


I am in North York. I have a regular peony (not tree, not itoh) which has sent up a shoot from what appears to be a root that has broken clear of the ground surface (it is on a bit of a slope). Can I separate the shoot and re-plant it elsewhere in the garden? When and how should I do this? Many thanks in anticipation.


Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners.

Peonys are fabulous and many of the older varieties are fragrant too.

The peony is very long lived and if cared for properly will live for decades. Your peony obviously is happy if it is sending out new growth. The peony is best planted and/or replanted in the fall just as it goes into dormancy. Attached is a an article from Penn State Extension on how to successfully divide your peony in the autum, how to replant the-beloved-peony

Spend the summer deciding where the new peony would be happiest and do it in the fall. Good luck.

June 11, 2024