Peonies being eaten by something


My 70 year old peonies (3) are being eaten by something. Also, I have only one bloom this year. Can you please help.


I’m so sorry to hear about your lovely peonies! We have been asked this question several times, see earlier posts, which are helpful and include several links that should be of interest.

  • Toronto Master Gardeners. Ask a Master Gardener. Something eating my peony.  Garden visitors like bunnies may be the culprits, although insects too can chomp on peony leaves.
  • Toronto Master Gardeners. Ask a Master Gardener. Peony problems.

Note that when the peony is stressed, something called “bud-blast” may happen, which is where the flower buds don’t open (they develop to the size of a small pea, then die). The plants would be stressed, for example, where insects or other pests have made a meal of the leaves.  As well, I suggest that you confirm that there has not been any change in the garden that may affect your plants.  For example, is the plant receiving more shade than before, possibly not enough sun? This can happen when nearby trees grow to block the sun the plants need to thrive.  And have you done anything differently this year in the garden, e.g., possibly fertilizing the plants too much?  Too much nitrogen fertilizer can promote the growth of leaves, not flowers.  For additional reasons peonies may not bloom, see

If you determine that the culprit is likely a rabbit, as these critters may also damage the woody parts of the peony during the winter, the American Peony Society recommends wrapping the base of the shrub with chicken wire in the autumn.  See American Peony Society. Pests and diseases – Prevention is best practice.  This website also includes photos of peony diseases and pests, under the “Learn” heading.

From your photo, the leaf damage is not extensive, so should not kill the plant, which should bounce back. All the best with your peonies!

June 8 2024