My garden boxwood is afflicted by what pest?


They are in sun, zone 7. Mixed top soil. Been growing reasonably well till past one to two weeks. Suddenly all affected.please see closeup pics.


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The photo of  your boxwood did not attach; You can resend an email with the boxwood photo for exact identification:

Boxwood has been in decline in Ontario since the Boxwood Tree Moth was identified in Ontario. Many gardens with boxwood have been affected.

Our website Toronto Master Gardeners has several answered question to boxwood pest and disease. My guess would be that you have BTM (Boxwood Tree Moth) is a recent pest that is attacking Buxus or boxwood. This moth would have hatched in late April early May. To identify the BTM Watch this Youtube video by OnNurserycrop Blog; Boxwood Tree Moth OnNurserycrops blog website

Boxwood Blight a Toronto Master Gardeners Guide: Boxwood Blight Guide

Boxwood blight or box tree moth or leaf minor: Boxwood Blight  includes detailed information from research papers from Purdue. The Master Gardener website with Boxwood Blight description: Boxwood Blight Description: