


1. Is there any place/organization, where I can volunteer and learn how to grow them?
2. Additional tips and suggestions for doing my research?

Also, I am interested in getting my hands in the soil – specifically, vertical farming.
What are the opportunities to volunteer.


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners.

Growing microgreens is becoming a popular topic.   “Growing sprouts and microgreens in your kitchen” was a topic at a recent Toronto Master Gardeners meeting.

You may want to contact some of our local farms who grow microgreens using vertical farming.  The Six Farms, Living Earth Farms, Toronto Microgreens, Microgreens Consulting, and Greenarium have information you can access from their websites.  The Organic Council of Canada also has links to farms growing microgreens.

Have you checked out Foodwork.ca?   This site lists both volunteer opportunities and paid employment, providing local and sustainable food jobs.

You can also reach out to your local library, community centre or school (college, university) to see if there are any courses being offered on growing microgreens in your area.

Good luck with your volunteering.