Low Maintenance Native Balcony Garden


I live in downtown Toronto at York and Queens Quay in a condo that faces east. I have a very long but narrow balcony (see photo). I would like to put in some containers to grow some plants that are low maintenance (easy for a beginner who frequently kills plants unintentionally) but that would be helpful for pollinators (if that is possible at this height). Since the balcony is so narrow, I can also use containers to take advantage of vertical space. Can anyone recommend some plants?


Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners regarding growing plants in containers on your balcony.

Your first step is to check with your building property manager or condominium association to confirm what rules apply to growing plants in containers on your balcony.

Toronto Master Gardeners has prepared a comprehensive guide on container gardening, and is a great starting point for your balcony gardening journey.

You might also like to view the Blooming Our Balconies guide Toronto Master Gardeners prepared in partnership with Toronto Balconies Bloom. You can find it here.

Lastly, this page lists some native plants that often grow well in containers. For Southern Ontario it recommends these native perennials: “sky blue aster, Canada wild rye, wild strawberry, nodding wild onion.”

I hope you find this information helpful! Good luck setting up your balcony garden!