Japanese Maple – Garden Soil Testing help


Hi I have uncsuesfully tried planting blood good AND emperor 1 Japanese maples thrice in the past 5 years in the attached backyard garden, They thrive for a year and die out, some kind of disease I think. Is there a way to test my garden soil for any clue on why Japanese maples are not taking off? I really wanted to plant a Japanese maple – any help I can get is appreciated


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners.  Japanese maples (Acer palmatums) are a favourite of many gardeners due to their attractive foliage and slender, airy form.  We receive many queries about Japanese maples.  It’s difficult to determine the cause of your trees dying out without more details on the symptoms the trees were experiencing.   Two previous answers from our archives may be of help, including details on a common fungal disease – verticillium wilt – which may be impacting your soil.

Japanese maple in trouble

Japanese maple verticillium wilt.  This answer includes details on how to test for verticillium wilt.  If verticillium wilt is confirmed to be in your soil, there’s a link to a list of alternative small trees you may want to consider that are resistant to this fungus.

Another resource I’d recommend is our gardening guide: Growing Japanese Maples:  A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

The University of Guelph provides Soil Testing Services, including a DNA soil scan for fungal pathogen identification.  This test is available to homeowners.

Another option is to contact a certified arborist.   If you aren’t familiar with a local arborist,  Landscape Ontario has a list of arborists in your area.

May 29, 2024