Insects on Fagus ‘Red Obelisk’ Beech


I have a red obelisk beech tree in a large pot, 3 years old, South West facing lake Ontario on the terrace.
I just noticed this white fluffy stuff on the underside of some leaves. Some of the leaves have started to curl inwards. The other leaves look healthy otherwise. I have treated it with Safer’s fungicide. Do you have any tips so that I do not lose the tree?
I have sent a photo of the ? Meldew?



Your beech has Woolly Beech Aphids (Phyllaphis fagi) which are very common on beech trees.  Often mistaken for a fungus, these aphids are actually black aphids that suck the sap from their host plant and then cover themselves in a white waxy secretion. Because your tree is only three years old, you can probably manage these insects as the tree is not too tall. According to the Royal Horticultural Society, they suggest scrubbing the foliage with a bristled brush in spring/early summer (now) before the population builds.  It is also suggested using a strong setting on your hose nozzle to spray them off the leaves.  You can further help your tree by adding some compost to the pot and keeping it well watered during our hot weather.

Good luck with your beech!

June 3, 2024