Insects on Charles Albanel Roses


Blooming at present BUT many of the buds are infested with insects which include webs.Eaten into the bud.

I just put on Safers insecticide – think its too late for that –

I did take off some of the buds but one awaits all year and then…

What do you recommend?



When I think of rose pests, I often think of aphids covering the new growth of the buds and leaves.  In your case, because of the presence of webbing, I feel you have spider mites. You mentioned they are covering the buds, but I wonder if they are affecting the foliage as well?  Typically spider mites suck the sap from the leaves causing them to discolour and possibly drop. The mites are very small and difficult to see- a couple of sources I looked at suggested shaking the branch over a piece of white paper and running your hand over it.  If red streaks appear, you have spider mites.

If you do indeed have mites, the Clemson College of Agriculture suggests a regular strong spray of water on the affected areas.  They also suggested the application of insecticidal soap, but it sounds like you might require more than one application with this level of infestation.

I personally would be tempted to remove the most heavily infested areas, even if it means losing some of the flowers.  I think it will be important for you to monitor your rose beginning early in the season for any signs of damaging insect activity so that you can save the buds and flowers as best you can.  Like any plant, a strong one has the best defense against a predator or disease.  Top dressing your rose with some compost and keeping it well watered during our hot summer days will give it a boost.

If you would like further information on rose pests, have a look at this site here which I found useful:

Rose insects and related pests

Please be aware that the chemical controls recommended in this resource are not available to homeowners in Ontario under the Ontario Pesticide Law.

Best of luck with your rose.

June 3, 2024