Grafting pine onto spruce?


Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to graft pine onto spruce? I found this beautiful mutant pine with small soft needles in bunches of 2 and was wondering if it was possible to graft 2 needle pine to white spruce? If not is it possible to graft 5 needle pine to white spruce? I’ve heard you can graft cedrus onto white pine so I thought this would be possible but wanted to confirm it was possible in case I ruin a perfectly good spruce.


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners about grafting pine onto a spruce tree. Grafting is a specialized area of plant propagation. The plants must be compatible and botanically related. Below is a comprehensive link from the University of Missouri on grafting methods and options.


As listed in the Grafting guide above, there are many pitfalls in grafting:

Reasons for failure

  • Stock and scion were not compatible.
  • The cambiums were not meeting properly.
  • Scions were upside down.
  • Grafting was done at the wrong time.
  • Understock or scion were not healthy.
  • Scions were dried out or injured by cold.
  • Scions were not dormant.
  • The graft was not properly covered with grafting wax.
  • The scion was displaced by storm, birds or other means.
  • The graft was shaded too much by other growth.
  • The graft was attacked by insects or disease.
  • The graft union was girdled because tape was not cut or released in time.

Your question mentioned the distinction in pine needles and the link below is a helpful identification guide.

Two and Five needle pines

Below are two links to Toronto Master Gardener Guide to planting trees and Graft Timing.

Garden Guide to planting trees

Graft Timing

Since grafting is a complex area, you may have to experiment with your intended evergreens and see what happens. If the proper methods are used, it is possible you will have success. Best of luck with the grafting.

May 21,2024