Fertilizing Spring Bulbs


Hello Master Gardeners! I purchased granular Bulb Food (5-10-5) last year intending to fertilize my daffodils this spring. I expect I’m way too late for this year (daffs have come and gone!) but for next year, are you able to provide any guidance regarding when I should apply this Bulb Food, please? I.e., as soon as shoots appear? Or not until after blooming? There are no instructions on the package (unhelpful!) Many thanks in advance! Barbara


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners:

Best time to fertilize a spring flowering bulb is in the fall. The fall bulb is starting to put out roots and this is a good time to fertilize  as it will be able to take up the nutrients to grow strong roots and a healthier bulb for the coming spring. Daffodils can also be fertilized in the spring, feeding when you see the leaves are out.  Either a spring or fall feeding will assist your daffodils from the granular fertilizer. Water well after applying the fertilizer for the daffodils to absorb the fertilizer.

Information by the American Daffodil Society of when to add fertilizer to your daffodils:

The American Daffodil Society

The NPK (nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) of the fertilizer you have chosen is lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorous and same in potassium. Please follow the directions on the package to not over fertilize the bulbs. Even if you fertilize, you must never remove the leaves until they are browned and spent. The leaves feed the bulb for next years flowers.

For future bulb health and feeding, spread compost or well decomposed manure around the bulbs. This will slowly feed your bulbs and the surrounding soil.

June 8, 2024