Fertilizer requirements for indoor versus outdoor potted plants


Why do indoor potted vegetables require half the fertilizer of outdoor potted vegetables? I got this information from the fertilizer package, photo attached.


Hello and thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners with your great question about fertilizer needs for indoor plants.  We fertilize our indoor plants because the soil in which they are planted is lacking in the nutrients found in nature.  However the conditions in most homes are devoid of the natural balances that regulate how fertilizer is absorbed in our plants.

For example, a heavy rainfall will wash away many of the salts that are present in artificial fertilizers.  We cannot reproduce this in our homes, so the salts build up and will in time damage the plants.  The aim of fertilization is to promote growth, but too much of a good thing will promote excess growth, thus plants become “leggy” and weak and susceptible to diseases and pests.

Here are some links I think you may find useful, which will explain more about proper care of Indoor plant and their fertilizer needs.

The University of Maryland’s article explains the nutrient needs of houseplants

Nutrient needs of house plants

Oregon State university’s article sheds light on chemical vs organic fertilizers and also provides a link for fertilizing vegetables.

Here is the scoop on fertilizer

You might also check out the Toronto Master gardener’s site on Fertilizing houseplants

Fertilizing houseplants