Cosmos annual



I was wondering if one strain of this plant attracts bees more than another. I like the Sonata Mix and Sensation mix.
Having a hard time finding these plants so I may grow them from seed.

Thank you, Eileen


Thank you for your question. Garden cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) is grown as an annual plant in Toronto. It is native to Mexico and Central America but has escaped cultivation and has become naturalized in many U.S. states.

Cosmos is a member of the Aster family as are many flowers attractive to bees and other pollinators. The blooms are comprised of yellow disk flowers surrounded by white, pink or red ray flowers.

Of the two mixes that you mention, the Sonata Series appear to be shorter and may need less staking to hold them up. The colours are very similar in both mixes and I have found no science-based information that one mix would attract bees more than the other.

To attract pollinators such as bees to your cosmos:

  • choose cultivars with single blooms rather than double to allow the easiest access to nectar and pollen;
  • choose certified organic seed or plants that are produced without the use of harmful chemicals such as neonicotinoids (Buy Bee-Safe Plants);
  • plant in a group (think focal point) rather than spread in singles around the garden so that pollinators use less energy flying from flower to flower.

Here is a link to a previous ASK a Master Gardener question about creating a pollinator garden. You will find information on plants and habitat ideas to support bees and other pollinators.

May 21, 2024