Cedar trees browning


The inside of the cedar trees became brown. Is it good to be removed ?
Is the brown foliage falling under the cedar trees and near them good for the soil? Is it healthy to cover it by mulch?


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners:

As I do not have a photo of  your cedars, I will assume you have established cedars.

It is fairly common for cedars to shed needles from the inside of the trees, especially during the winter due to harsh winds, lack of moisture or other environmental stressors. You can remove the dead brown needles but do not remove the branches as they do not grow back. It will leave an empty spot where you remove the branches so just prune back the dead branches that are without needles. You can leave the dead needles on the ground where they will decompose. Yes, you can mulch around the cedars and it is perfectly safe to do so. We receive many questions on browning cedars and our Toronto Master Gardener website answers the questions: Browning Cedars

If the leaves around the cedars are from other trees, that is a normal process of nature; the leaves will eventually decompose and add to the nutrients in the ground. Leaves can also be used as a mulch. Watering and mulching will assist in the trees keeping their needles especially during dry hot summers and windy winters.  Mulching  will hold moisture in the root zone, stop weeds and shade your cedars’ roots.  Apply a 4-5 cm layer in spring or fall and keep the mulch at least 5 inches away from the trunk of the tree. Shredded bark mulch or the fallen leaves will work. University of Minnesota has information on how to fertilize your evergreens for optimum growth; Fertilizing Evergreens

Happy gardening.

Jun 4, 2024