Can Thyme (zone 3) be surviving in my region?


Located in Ottawa (zone 5b?),
I wonder this thyme can survive in winter…
If not, why the store is selling them…eh?


Dear Gardener,

Thank you for your query about your thyme seeds. Although the name on your seed packet is partially covered, it would appear that this is a species of creeping thyme, Thymus serpyllum ‘Album’ commonly used in rock gardens or as ground cover. As you package indicates, it is a Zone 3 perennial which will survive winter in the warmer Ottawa hardiness zone 5a or 5b.

It is unclear from your question whether you have had success in growing these seeds. If not, this can be due to a variety of factors including the proper storage and care of seeds after purchase and growing conditions. To assist the gardener, reputable companies print the expected germination rate and the duration of viability of the seeds on their envelopes.

For more information on growing conditions, please refer to How to Grow Thyme: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide. Since gardening information provided by Canadian Master Gardeners is regionally specific due to Hardiness Zones, etc., your local source of reliable information is Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton and your neighbourhood gardening and horticultural society.

All the best in growing creeping thyme.