Buying Wisteria cuttings


Is there a resource where we can purchase Wisteria cuttings? Is that even a thing? The intention is to create a bonsai from it.


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners:

Wisteria is a plant that is easy to propagate by cuttings. We do not recommend or suggest where to source or purchase plants, but you should be able to purchase a wisteria from your local garden centre.  Once  you have sourced your cuttings, we do have information on how to grow the cuttings.

Spring is the best time to source softwood wisteria cuttings  before they have hardened off. Use 3 inch cuttings with at least two nodes. Dip them in root hormone and place them directly into a pot with any potting soil, keeping the soil moist until the cuttings root. It may still take a couple of months to root.  You can also take a softwood cutting with one node and a leaf, scar the bottom and plant in potting soil. Keep the cutting covered with a plastic bag, making sure it has air circulation.  Our Toronto Master Gardener website has information on propagating wisteria

Wisteria Cuttings

Wisteria Questions and Answer

June 7, 2024