Blueberry Seed Germination



I am trying to germinate blueberry seeds from store bought blueberries. I have taken the seeds and put them in a container with tap water and hope they will germinate. Is this something correct? Do I have to leave the tray in shade or in sunlight? I have tried to germinate blueberry seed before but failed!


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners. What a fun project to try!

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension has a step-by-step description of how to grow blueberries from seeds. This resource describes the detailed process which includes:

  • freezing the berries for 90 days before extracting the seeds
  • a germination period of 30 days in moist spaghnum moss and a warm indoor location
  • continued indoor time for the seedlings to reach a height of 2 – 3 inches (5.0 – 7.5 cm)
  • followed by transferring the seedlings to pots containing a mix of soil, sand and peat, then moving them outside once there is no possibility of frost in the spring
  • when the plants are two years old, you can expect some blooms and blueberries

You might also find the information at the University of Minnesota Extension helpful for a general overview of how to take care of blueberry bushes.  In particular, blueberry plants require acidic soil (pH 4.0 – 5.0) which means that in Toronto gardens the soil needs to be amended.  Also, a full sun location, plenty of organic matter (like compost), and protection in the winter by adding mulch around the base of the plants is required.

Blueberry growers also need a lot of patience as the bushes grow slowly. Happily the plants last a long time, a nice reward for the care and time they require!

I wish you lots of success with this project and delicious fruit in the future.