3-in-1 Blueberry plants?



Thank you to all garden masters and everyone else for all the support and help you provide to all gardeners.

I want to add a blueberry tree to my garden. After some research I found out that I need to have at least 2 or even 3 different varieties of bush in order for the trees to pollinate each other and give fruits and to also yield fruits throughout the season from summer to early or even late fall.

However the issue is that I do not have that much space to have two, let alone three trees in my small garden. Plus I know that the trees require some unique special care in order for them to maintain good health and give fruits and frankly speaking, I do not have much time to give to maintain more than 1 tree.

I recently came across something called 3-in-1 blueberry bushes and this type of bush is apparently a combination of 3 different varieties of blueberries. I wasn’t aware something like this existed until now and this has gotten me really exited.

So I am writing to you in hopes that if you can share with me as much tips and information in detail as possible as to how do I go about propagating or even germinating my own 3-in-1 blueberry bush, so I don’t have to worry about having 2 or 3 different separate blueberry bushes as I can have 3 different varieties from 1 single bush.

Thank you very much.


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners about propagating a 3-in-1 blueberry bush. Grafting is a specialized area of plant propagation. The plants must be compatible and botanically related. Below is a comprehensive link from the University of Missouri on grafting methods and options.


In order to produce a 3-in-1 bush, you would have to purchase three different types to incorporate into one shrub. That would be expensive and the grafting process is experimental. With our limited growing season, you might consider purchasing a grafted “Blueberry 3 in 1” that is successfully growing. Below is a link to an Ontario plant provider:

Blueberry 3 in 1

Blueberry Grafting

Below is a Toronto Master answer to a question on Graft Timing.

Graft Timing

Since grafting is a complex area and you decide to proceed, best of luck with the grafting. You could produce a personally unique blueberry bush.

May 21,2024