Emerald Cedars Dying in Sequence

Hello, I need some help from your experienced team. I’ve a row of Cedar trees at my home. The trees are now at least 12-14 feet tall, and it’s been 7 years since I got them planted. For the past…

Northern white cedars turning yellow

I recently planted norther white cedars for creating hedge but my soil is compacted and because of excessive rain the soil is not draining properly and which leads to rotting of my trees and turning leafs yellow. Please suggest me…

How to rejuvenate overgrown white cedars.

My large yard (approx 100 x 150) has white cedars along nearly the entire perimeter. They have never been pruned and range now in height from 12′ to 20+ feet. They are also far too wide and impeding on structures…

What to Plant Under Cedars

I have cedar hedges that line my sides of property probably over 30 years old. They stand easily 20ft high. On one side they go right down to the ground but on the other side (pictured) they have been cut…

White fungus? around base of cedars and yews

Hi. I just noticed this around the base of some, not all, of the cedars and yews at the back of my yard. It seems to be localized in one small area. What is unusual is that there is a…

Fertilizing white and black cedars in fall

I used Miracle Grow cedar spikes on my white and black cedars in the spring. On the box, it recommends using the spikes at the end of autumn as well as in the spring. I always thought that cedars weren’t…

Browning Emerald Cedars

3.5 weeks ago I planted 18 6-foot emerald cedars in my backyard in hopes of creating a privacy hedge over the years. In the last 1-2 weeks I’ve noticed browning and dry leaves across all trees in various areas. I…

Help diagnose problem with emerald cedars

Hi there, I planted a row of 6 emerald cedars at the end of May (2.5 weeks ago). There were a few hot days after planting, followed by cooler and rainy weather. Of them, 2 have noticeably yellowed and are…