Planter boxes for Blueberries


Hi Master Gardeners
I want to transfer my potted Blue Berry pants to a permanent wooden planter if I have 3 plants how deep and wide should I build my planter so that they will survive the winter.


Without knowing what kind of blueberry plants you have, we can’t be exact in our response. But here is some information we provided a previous inquirer about growing blueberries:

“Highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) are the tallest of the blueberry species. Both lowbush blueberries (V. angustifolium) and halfhigh blueberries (an interspecies hybrid) are smaller, lower lying shrubs and are hardier plants than the high-bush types. This article on growing blueberries in Ontario home gardens  put out by the Ontario government (OMAFRA) suggests that some of the hardiest varieties of highbush blueberries are ‘Northland’, ‘Bluecrop’, and ‘Jersey’. It is important to note that planting at least 3 varieties together is recommended for optimum pollination and largest berry production. A further benefit is an extended growing season since different varieties have different harvest times.

Halton Master Gardeners have produced a good, brief information sheet on growing both high- and low-bush blueberries in our area .

Transplanting would be best done in the cooler temperatures of early fall. Make sure to plant early enough for root development before the onset of winter. You may already be aware of the importance of planting blueberries in an acidic soil (a pH of 4.5 to 5 is considered to be optimum). Garden centres usually stock soil pH testing kits if you are unsure of your soil chemistry. Most soils in the Toronto area are neutral or slightly alkaline so achieving an acid soil can be a challenge. Like you, many gardeners choose to overcome this by planting their blueberries in containers where they can monitor and adjust the soil pH more easily. Keep in mind that winter protection for containers will be more important than if planting directly in the garden.

This article from the University of Wisconsin addresses growing blueberries in containers specifically.”

And with respect to container size, it’s best to build it as large as possible in your space., since the more soil it can contain, the more insulation it will provide.

See our Gardening Guide to growing in containers.

Good luck with transplanting your blueberries!