Roses Losing Leaves


I planted mini roses (an unknown specie) in summer 2021 followed by ‘America Climbing Rose’ in 2022. They all cane back this summer. I really enjoyed these beautiful flowers. But my concern is that this summer since the beginning of August they started losing their leaves (after the stage where the leaves turned to yellow) They have almost no leaves now… poor looking with a few dying flowers.
I read the following article:,for%20the%20big%20fall%20show.

so probably because we had more rainfalls this summer? (I’m located the Eastern Ontario)
I really hope they will come back next summer…

I do appreciate this website, where I can ask various gardening questions. Your answers and advices are very helpful. Thank you so much!



Thanks for contacting us about your roses starting to perform poorly.

I believe you have answered your own question, especially with the link you posted.

It has been a difficult summer for roses – heavy bouts of rainfall alternating with high daytime and night time temperatures and also temperature fluctuations.  It seems contradictory but heavy rainfall can lead plants to experience drought stress because the water replaces oxygen around roots, and plants need that oxygen in order to function properly and absorb the water.  This is something we can expect more of as climate change advances.

As the article suggests, your roses should perform better as cooler temperatures start to prevail with fall approaching.

In the meantime cut off the remaining flowers and seed heads so that the plant does not waste energy on producing rose hips.

Also, please note that the Toronto Master Gardeners serves gardeners in the Toronto area.  Your questions are better directed to the Master Gardener group in your area, which will have better information about your local conditions and how plants are coping with them.  You can find what your local chapter is at this Master Gardeners of Ontario webpage:

Good luck with your roses; glad to hear you are otherwise enjoying your lovely plants.