What is wrong with my raspberry plant?


I recently noticed some discoloration on my raspberry plant leaves I have searched online trying to research and the closest I found was Verticillium wilt. Can you please confirm or deny and tell if I should keep or not.
Thank you for your time




We are awaiting your reply to our email response on August 3rd, but meanwhile here is some information that may help.

From the appearance of the photo, this is unlikely to be Verticillium Wilt. See information on that disease here from the Ohio State University.

It is most likely to be Raspberry Leaf Rust, but a photo of the underside of the leaf would help to confirm that diagnosis. Mosaic Virus is also a possibility but again we would need  a good photo. You might like to post your question again, including that photo. Here is some information on viruses impacting raspberry plants from the University of Minnesota.

And here is a good guide to growing raspberries here in Ontario, provided by the province.